Sunday, November 8, 2009

Loving Christ

For those unawares, I had surgery recently. As such, it has given me much time to sit around and do nothing think. And as I have thought, my mind has gone and thought on Jesus. And the more I have thought on Him, the more I have found myself loving Him.

What is not to love about Him? He forgives all our sins; He saves us from eternal damnation. He reconciles us to the Father, and grants to us the Holy Spirit. He brings us into the Family of God by Holy Baptism; He gives us Himself, His True Body and Blood, in the Holy Eucharist. He gives us His life-giving words in Holy Writ. He is our Prophet, King, and High Priest. He invites us to be co-heirs and co-workers with Him; He draws us into union with Him- indeed, with the Holy Trinity.

I pray that by His Love, my love be tranformed; by His Heart, my heart be transformed. He is Love Incarnate.

Love Incarnate, Who Died on a Tree
Love Incarnate, Who died for Me.

Love Incarnate, Fount of all Mercy
Love Incarnate, Who satisfies the Thristy.

Love Incarnate, Healer of all Woes
Love Incarnate, Defeater of all Foes.

Love Incarnate, Ender of Death
Love Incarnate, Imparter of Life-Giving Breath.

Love Incarnate, Risen One
Love Incarnate, Only-Begotten Son.

Love Incarnate, Whose Sacrifice All Wrath Appeases
Love Incarnate, Whose Name is Jesus.